Audience Development:
Theory and Practice
TUESDAY, November 9th, 2021:
Non-Visitors/Missing Visitors
15.00 - 15.15
Alexandra W. Busch and Olaf Köller
Moderated by Siëlle Gramser
15.15 - 16.00
Shaz Hussain
What can museums learn about non-visitors from luxury fashion?
Moderated by Siëlle Gramser
16.00 - 16.15
Short Break
16.15 - 17.00
Explorations in Practice
Simultaneous Break-Out-Sessions
Dan Vo
Attracting LGBTQ+ audiences
Moderated by Lorenz Kampschulte
Mona Al Ali
Understanding the reasons why some people visit museums and why
others do not in the Emirate of Sharjah, the United Arab Emirates
Moderated by Alexandra Moormann
Sheri Levinsky-Raskin
Designing experiences in museum exhibitions and
programmes that are accessible and inclusive
Moderated by Inga Specht
Inge Steinmetz
Museum Koenig mobil
Moderated by Gun-Brit Thoma
17.00 - 17.15
Short Break
17.15 - 18.00
Explorations in Practice
Simultaneous Break-Out-Sessions
Désirée Vaccarini
On a mission to create advocates for the planet:
engaging and involving the widest possible audience
Moderated by Inga Specht
Jawida Mansour and Aloyce Mwambwiga
Marketing the National Natural History Museum - Arusha, Tanzania
Moderated by Siëlle Gramser
Barbara Stauffer
What does audience engagement look like at a national museum?
Moderated by Lorenz Kampschulte
Jana Marks and Birte Stüve
Reconceptualization of the participatory format „DSM-Werft“
Moderated by Alexandra Moormann
18.00 - 18.30
Long Break
18.30 - 20.00
Short Talks
Moderated by Lorenz Kampschulte
Christina Lister
Covid-19 and small museums’ audiences in the UK: challenges and opportunities
Marie Hobson
Audiences inside and outside of the museum
Philipp Schrögel
Experiencing, enjoying, touching–
approaching audiences of science communication
20.00 - 20.30
Review and Outlook
Alexandra W. Busch and Olaf Köller
Wednesday, November 10th, 2021:
Underserved/Under-represented Communities
15.00 - 15.15
Alexandra W. Busch and Olaf Köller
15.15 - 16.45
Short Talks
Moderated by Inga Specht
Sarah Hayes
Informal and non-formal learning in science: opportunities for representation
Siëlle Gramser
Data collection as a starting point for drawing new audiences
Monique Scott
Why museum representations of Black Lives Matter
16.45 - 17.00
Short Break
17.00 - 17.45
Explorations in Practice
Simultaneous Break-Out-Sessions
Cristina Bucci
How museums can collaborate with communityto develop
greater engagement in cultural among people with Alzheimer‘s
Moderated by Gun-Brit Thoma
Adriana Mortara Almeida
So close and yet so far - attracting museums’ neighbours
Moderated by Katja Zelljadt
Alexandra Moormann
Nature Explorers
Moderated by Inga Specht
17.45 - 18.15
Long Break
18.15 - 19.00
Explorations in Practice
Simultaneous Break-Out-Sessions
Cristina Lleras
Museums, memory, armed conflict, transitional justice
Moderated by Lorenz Kampschulte
Ovie Oghenejobo
Bringing museums and classrooms together
Moderated by Katja Zelljadt
Suy Lan Hopmann
How can the museum be for all? A case study in data collection
Moderated by Siëlle Gramser
Julie Piesbergen and Patricia Rahemipour
Intangible cultural heritage, digital formats and audience development
Moderated by Alexandra Moormann
19.00 - 19.15
Short Break
19.15 - 20.00
Birgit Mandel
Audience development as a holistic marketing strategy,a reason
for organisational transformationor a policy concept for cultural
inclusion and community building
Moderated by Alexandra Moormann
20.00 - 20.30
Closing Remarks
Alexandra W. Busch and Olaf Köller